total km: 510.3
We decided to make things easy on ourselves today by taking the road. The trail was not tempting at all. The road was hardpacked, smooth dirt. We flew on it. At one point Brandon even got going 40 km/h UPHILL thanks to the road and a nice tail wind. We expected to be in Summerland in no time.
We were wrong. This turned out to be the day from hell for us. First, about 20 km in Brandon's rear wheel just blew!

We checked the road and saw no glass, no nothing. We were so confused. After patching the tube, and reinflating, we realized the problem was the tire itself. There was a 2 inch gape in the tire bead leading to a bulging tube, and another blow out. Seeing as how we were advised not to bother carrying an extra tire, our only option was to walk.
Brandon sent me off to find help of any kind. And I found it at Trout Creek Ranch about 2 km down the road. The farmer's son in law was a bike guy, and he knew an old army trick involving duct tape (not duck tape as Katie has always thought! Another Katie-ism). It worked!!! And we were happily on our way..........................for 10 minutes. As Brandon was heading down a steepish hill at approximately 25 km/h his left trailer wheel decided to take off and scream deep into the bush.

The ripped, damaged and wheeless trailer.
It took us about 20 min to find it...finally. We rode very hesitantly the rest of the way to Summerland. In the end, our day turned out to be a full tiring day. Oh well.

Pretty view from Hwy 40.
Hey you two! I am loving reading your daily adventures- sounds like you guys are having a blast and covering lots of ground too!
YAH guys!!!!!! Good to hear you are alive and well!!!! Email me and let me know when you're going to be in Calgary! Man I miss the forest. I'm getting to know my deciduous trees much better though. Working for ArborCare can be hard work, but we definitely have our lazy days.
Miss ya Kate! You must be getting buff as shit! :D
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