Halifax was only a 5 minute, $2 ferry ride from Dartmouth but, even still, only once in our four days here was Katie well enough for us to make the trek into town. The Dartmouth public library, on the other hand, was just down the road from our B&B and became our full time office. The librarians began greeting us with recognition, saving their “how may I help yous?” for the locals.
Though Katie was barely well enough to eat, the lure of free high speed internet, burnable cds, photogenic recipe magazines and, of course, books were enough to get her out of bed every day. We may not have covered any distance during our time in Dartmouth but we have conducted some very important business such as finding Montreal apartments, booking train rides etc.
For reasons that only make sense to El Cheapos such as ourselves, we decided that Katie was well enough to move back into the tent after three nights in the B&B. We think that it’s probably half because we’re so cheap and half because we were so excited about moving to this particular campsite. Squatting in the city is not exactly easy due to the density of the population and the lack of hiding places. Compounding the problem was our lack of navigational knowledge regarding the area. Our solution: taking squatting to a whole new level. We discovered that the satellite images on google earth are of such a high resolution that you can choose a campsite with pinpoint accuracy. Squatter friendly coniferous forests are just as clearly depicted as multi-acre apartment complexes. Within minutes we had located the nearest forest area and even what looked like a walking trail leading into it.
We have spent our last two nights camping just off that walking trail. Seeing as how Katie really isn’t getting better (in fact sometimes it seems as though she is getting worse), our wallets are getting very thin and both of us really are running out of steam, we think that the last leg of our trip may be nearer than we thought.
1 comment:
hey guys, hope you both are doing well. its a saturday afternoon here in Tropicana and doing some errands here and there while trying to catch up on work. when i do get time to visit your blog, its such an adventure and i'm so impressed; so happy; so at awe at the places you've covered - i really hope you both are enjoying it in the most simplest of terms. Katie, get well! brandon, you look like you're completely loving it - awesome man. do drop an email when you can. suz&I are thinkin' of you guys. be safe.
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