total km: 1558.8
We are getting in shape. The centurian today didn't even really phase us. Mind you, the terrain is becoming more and more mellow. As we move away from the Rockies it just gets flatter and flatter. I think that we saw Magrath from about 10km away today.
With only a short pitstop on our way out of the park for some national geographic photography,

we made really good time to Cardston (our lunch stop) and had done 52km by 11:30. Cardston is home to the very beautiful and seemingly out of place Alberta Temple. A temple composed of 2 tonne white stones that acts as the place of worship for the resident Mormons. This whole area of S.W. Alberta is very religious and particulary Mormon.

Did we mention that it was cloudy today? At first (in the morning) we were happy to see the clouds (because they keep us nice and cool).

We made it to Magrath at 3:00. Covered Wagon R.V. is a deal of a campsite. Eighteen dollars gets you use of the kitchen facilities, access to the indoor pool, hot showers and cheap laundry. Before making use of that kitchen, we had to stop by the grocery store where we picked up ingredients, including a necessary pre-dinner 6-pack of doughnuts. These we devoured before even leaving the store property. A sight which inspired one passerby to comment "That will make you fat." We thought it was odd too.
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