km today: 141.4
total km: 2638.4
We woke up to sun

and a pretty strong wind that was more cross than tail, but was still aiding. It animated the landscape, especially the fields, much in the way that the ocean current brings life to an undersea garden.
We rode away, enjoying the much improved weather, especially the fact that we were able to take lots of photos along the way.

A crop of........ I don't know, anyone?
Katie's workout regime: (p.s. we cannot for the life of us post the pictures in their upright form on the blog)

We finally stopped for lunch, which we were really excited about because we were having a break from PB-squared (peanut butter and banana for those not in the know). We were having ham and cheese composed with, not just deli ham, but a 1kg roasted ham. We really were giddy. That is until we realized that the untouched ham was still chilling in the fridge back in our hotel room in Brandon. This was our improvisation

Yes you see Wonder Bread, Kraft peanut butter and Kraft singles. All organic of course.
Naturally, we needed more food and made a pit stop in the tiny town of Austin,

where one of the residents

is very proud, and bragging about the fact that all of their roads have just been paved. Austin actually is adorable, and their grocery boasts prices that remind us of childhood ($0.30 for a freezie anyone?).

Some yogurt and granola later

and we were ready to tackle our last 40km.
We left Austin in high spirits.

Being one our latest starts yet, on our second longest day,

this was the closest we've ever come to needing our tail lights and reflective gear. Don't worry though, we were very safe.

A pic showing just how flat Manitoba is.
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