total km: nearing 4000!

We finally had a tail wind, just not for the whole day. The highway curves so much and we passed so many bodies of water that the wind direction changed constantly. There weren't too many hills though, so with the help of the infrequent tail wind we still made really good time to White River.
About 40km away from Marathon, and 60km to White River (so pretty much in the middle of nowhere) we came upon this monstrosity (there were 2 other buildings as well):
The highlight of the day was getting the chance to finally document one of our bear sightings. It required Brandon coordinating having one hand on the camera and the other hand on the air horn and handlebars while peddalling at the same time. Unfortunately, he didn't catch a shot of the bear as it stood on its hind legs and sniffed him as he went by it. At this time, Katie was being an wise coward on the other side of the road.
Another en route novelty:
We made it!

Quote of the day:
Brandon: What do you think they would serve at the restaurants in the town of Winnie the Pooh's origin?
*both pondering*
Katie: anything with honey I guess....
Brandon: Roast bear.
There are no campsites in Winnie the Pooh's home, but the tourist center allows free camping on their lawn. Sharing this freebie spot are John and Joan, the humbling 66 year old couple who began their cycling journey from Victoria a week after we did.
1 comment:
All these lovely pictures only lead one to expect the greatest photo op of all northern ontario - the Goose Pose. I can't wait for Wawa.
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