total km: 3673.9
We got off to our latest start yet today. We weren't on the road tackling today's centurion until 2:30 PM. Thankfully, our tardiness ended up playing to our favor in the end as the usually crowded Trans Canada became far less populated once evening hit.
Our first stop of the day was at Mr. Fox's famous memorial. The final steps of his "Marathon of Hope" were taken on the Courage Highway (which is still the Trans Canada) just outside of Thunder Bay.
Our flat tire count is now at 6, and is Katie's very first contribution to the tally. When the tube blew it sounded like a gun had gone off, much more explosive than any of our previous blows.
The landscape is ever changing as we continue going south east. No longer are we seeing stunted pines in a mosaic of swampy marshes, but now see aspens, alders, firs, spruces etc (Brandon is cutting off our tree recount). It is much more lush and much less buggy. Adding to the beauty were the red rock rock cliffs, burning brighter in the setting sun. Unfortunately, we have no pictures because Brandon was too busy singing his way into Nipigon and Katie's camera is out of commission at the moment.
After a surprisingly good dinner at the 24h trucker ridden husky restaurant, we were off to bed.
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