total km: 6987.7
It felt so odd to be backtracking. We worked so hard over the last couple of days only to erase our efforts by drifting back with ease to Chandler. It was fun to race back in minutes over sections that seemed so excruciating before. The funny thing was, it felt like we were breaking new ground for the most part anyways seeing as how the first time around our heads were bowed in effort derived concentration.
Starting off our day was particularly entertaining. Our last shower was back in Perce so, as usual, we were over-due for a cleansing. We trucked down to the nearest campsite (the Moulin Rouge - which we now know translates to the anti-climatic “Red Windmill.” Why does every thing sound so much cooler in French?) where we explained to the owner that we didn’t need a campsite, just the use of his shower and immediately realized how hobo-ish the whole scenario sounded. He clearly saw the humour in the situation, laughing the whole time and enthusiastically pointing us in the direction of the shower. After our cleanse we hung out for a while and soon realized that we are the first cross Canada cyclists to have come through his campground. Like so many others he thinks that we’re a little bit crazy.
Now, after downing near an entire pot of sloppy joes, we are settled in our familiar campsite behind the Chandler hospital. Our cruise is booked for tomorrow night and we’re looking forward to a full day off.
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