total km: 7583.2
Katie’s health refuses to return. Though our squat site was quite pleasant (pic) her body could have used at least one night in doors. We decided that we better take it easy today. Only a km into our ride, we discovered the campground we had been searching for last night. Apparently our ride in the dark took us right through Truro and all the way to Hilden, about 8km beyond. Had we known we were so close to the Hilden campground, we’re sure we would have pushed on, lured by the prospect of a shower and the possibility of internet.
With the odd gingerale break and a couple of siestas we made it to Enfield without too much resistance from Katie’s stomach. According to our map, there was a tourist info center and a campground either in Enfield, or in the vicinity (these maps are very hard to read sometimes). After a consultation session with a cashier and all five locals in the lineup behind us at Home Hardware it was decided that the info center and, therefore, the internet was actually at the airport 6km away. The idea of blogging in the airport and then having to find a place to stay was very unappealing to us. It was also pointed out during the huddle that the Irving truck station en route to the airport was a good source for information. As the glowing Irving sign came into view we figured we may as well check it out, especially since another pit stop wouldn’t hurt. We’re glad we did. Posted on the doorway was a sign advertising “Free WiFi” and a quick investigation of the interior revealed other luxuries such as T.V. lounges, a convenience store sizable enough to provide produce and, most importantly, showers.
The next task was finding a campsite. We figured that since it was such a warm evening another night in the tent would be ok on Katie’s ailing body. Especially when we found our campsite right across the street from the Irving. Seriously, we could poke our head out of the tent and see that monstrous sign glowing on the other side of our personal river side campsite.We think that it was probably one of the best campsites we’ve stayed at. We were wholly sheltered by coniferous and deciduous trees galore, had our own personal river and the walk to the Irving was no longer than to some of the bathrooms at some of the bonified campgrounds we’ve stayed at.
Feeling squeaky clean and wonderful, we went to bed happy and refreshed.
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