total km:
Our day started off with a bang. We had an exciting breakfast of PB^2M (the M stands for maple spread - it’s fantastic!). We immediately left camp to buy “lunch” aka a box of raisin bran with 2L of milk. It was an excellent excellent way to start off our day. We’re serious too. To us, cereal is a true treat, especially when we have it with real milk, not the powdered stuff we’ve been eating for the last half of the trip.
Fueled, we headed back down south to Ile du Havre Aubert to check out more of the cool boutiques (it was Sunday when we came last and most were closed). It was not easy going today as the wind was fierce, forcing us to a crawl. En route we were distracted by the sight of many a coloured kite zooming back and forth up and down in the sky. Closing in on them we discovered that they were attached to a bunch of surf boards! One of the coolest sports on the island is kite surfing. With the aid of these huge parasails the surfers are able to zoom all over the place without any waves required. Waves only make it a lot more fun for them as they launch off of them gaining like 20 feet of air at a time.
After being distracted for close to an hour we reluctantly tore ourselves away to continue on our slow trek. Our first stop on the island was at “Artisinants de Sable,” which translates to sand artists basically. It is an entire gallery devoted to works of art composed almost entirely of sand. Some of the works were really beautiful and tempting but, even though they assured us that they were hard as rock, we figured that a day in the trailer would revert them back to their original form.
The rest of the day was spent exploring the charms of “la grave,” Magdelen’s oldest and most cultural town, and also where we ate dinner the other evening. The artists here are actually quite artistic, every is completely different and full of genuinely good and unique art. It would be so easy to spend a lot of money here.
We fell asleep very content, feeling as though we’d seen the islands and ready to leave in the morning.
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