total km:
After four days of operating on “island time,” having to wake up at an hour requiring an alarm clock was a jolt to the system. We got our second jolt to the system at Tim Hortons, a slightly odd place to have our last meal on this mostly un-commercialized island. It was fast though (well almost - they just didn’t quite understand our impeccable French accents and messed up our order), and we had a ferry to catch.
We cruised down to the ferry dock and right onto the ferry without having to buy or show a pass. We were beside ourselves with excitement. Had we just gotten on for free? Saving seventy six dollars would certainly be a highlight to the day. So we discreetly settled into the journey and read the crossing away. Not surprisingly, we were the fools. The ticket booth is on board (not very well marked we might add) and the army of extremely vigilant ticket police found us before we had even made it back to our bikes.
Arriving on the P.E.I. side was like stepping back in time. It was warm! Like it had been in mid August and it was apparently a “cool” day according to the very chatty tourist information employee. Also surprising was the fact that we now have to get used to greeting people with “Hellos” rather than “Bonjours.” We won’t be butchering anymore French until we’re heading back to Montreal.
Though P.E.I. is, of course, more developed than the Magdelens we still feel like we’re on “island time.” Popular conversation topics are golf, weather and a lot more golf. Confederation trail suited the casual atmosphere to a “T.” Free of traffic (of any kind really) we joyfully meandered to Liz and Gerard’s.
The atmosphere at the house was not so serene, but buzzing. We arrived to a VERY excited Granny Joyce who had already been staking out our arrival from the top of the driveway. Open arms and lots of kisses welcomed us in. It was great seeing (and for Brandon, meeting) Liz and Gerard after a highly anticipated reunion. Staying in a waterfront cottage would be a luxury at anytime but enjoying our surroundings with family hosts elevates the experience a number of notches.
It was especially touching being with Granny. It seems like ages ago since she hosted us on only our second night into the trip when we were still so scrawny and naive as to what lay ahead. It’s just so cool how she’s here to see us almost through. She too clearly got a kick out of seeing us again but wasted no time in making fun of Katie’s new “odd” short hair cut. As she told Pat/dad in reference to Katie, “She’s not fat, she doesn’t really look that different, but her hair is short, and it just looks odd.” A few hours in and the insults were rolling, the wine was flowing and we were loving it.
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