total km: 7531.0
Well, that wonderful smell of baking bread comes from the Wonderbread factory right next to our campsite! It got us thinking. How exactly does cheap factory bread taste when it’s fresh from the oven? We figure it must taste pretty good. Pretty much anything tastes good when it’s fresh from the oven.
Buying bread was actually the goal of our first stop of the day today. There was this brilliant “Ben’s Bakery Outlet” right across the street from our campsite. Over-supplied with cheap bread, we headed out toward Truro. Finally the wind was with us today! We just sailed along the highways. The first and last 1/3 of our journey was on Hwy 104 which is very much like the Island Highway in scenery and efficiency at getting you from point A to B. For the middle 1/3 of our journey though, we detoured onto Hwy 4. The woman at the bakery informed us that this section is the old highway, is much more scenic and avoids a very nasty hill section. The old and scenic part caught our attentions, but as soon as the word “hill” was mentioned we were all ears.
This little detour was a marvelous idea. The road was almost deserted and the scenery really was beautiful. The only unfortunate thing was that we were about 1 week early to witness the changing of leaves. Most importantly though, it seemed as though we went downhill far more than uphill. Our route only involved one major uphill section, a bump of a hill compared to some we’ve climbed, that was followed by an amazing 20 straight minutes of downhill. Not scary 17% grade downhill or anything like that either. It was so fun.
Perfectly healthy for almost the whole day (the 11 hours of sleep probably helped some), we thought that Katie might be almost rid of her illness. But as we approached Truro her condition took a sharp turn for the worse. Deteriorating rapidly, we decided that taking a room in the nearest hotel was the best idea for the evening. The only problem, there was only one hotel that we passed and it had no vacancy. We couldn’t even find a campground, so it was back to squatting. Every single time we have tried to find a campground or a motel we’ve inevitably ended up back in the bush. At least we’re saving money.
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