Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 72: Hamilton - Toronto

Today was a very uneventful day. We attempted to fully update the blog but, as you can see, it clearly failed. Uploading photos can take ages. When we finally left, we once again joined the traffic parade en route to Kate’s apartment. Soon exasperated we detoured down to Oakville where we checked out “The Fabulous Life Styles of the Rich and Famous” (they may or may not have been famous). The vente sized houses (a couple of the estates took up most of the city block) not only kept us entertained for a while, but enabled us to bypass the jam.

We arrived in Toronto and stopped off for a quick and satisfying bite at Veda’s surprisingly healthy, fast food Indian joint. We were excited to see and stay with Kate (Katie and Kate had not crossed paths for 3 years) even though the reunion was preceded by an hour long nap in our rental car, which itself was preceded by an hour long search for a parking spot, after which we decided that we didn’t want to leave our car at all because to our islander eyes every passerby bore an odd resemblance to cracked out car jackers.

We soon found out that Kate’s building had it’s own visitor parking lot that we were sure was appropriately guarded by armed forces [we are so green to the ways of the city]. Celebratory wine with Kate after she got off work.


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