Friday, July 27, 2007

Day 52: Schreiber - Marathon

km today: 98-ish
total km: ?

Another foggy day with a fierce headwind. Luckily, the hills were not as bad as the two days before. Plus, we actually made it onto the highway at a reasonable hour (10:30am by the time we'd finished our leisurely coffee at Red Robin).

Event wise it was a pretty standard day. Got up, rode our bikes, set up camp in an overpriced and under-maintained campsite in the otherwise nice town of Marathon. We stuffed ourselves full with an entire rotisserie chicken atop of 1kg of perogies dressed with 500mL of light sour cream with a side of broccoli. It may rival our usual favourite of whole wheat spaghetti with meat sauce and broccoli. In light of this, we'll just let our pictures speak for themselves.
More fog.
Notice the semi's headlights 50m in front and to the left of Katie.
A perfect spot for lunch. We sure did get a lot of honks of encouragement.
Misty mountains and trees.
Another view.


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