Saturday, September 1, 2007

Day 85: Montreal - Saint Sulpice

km today: 72.0
total km:

We think that Quebec should outlaw motor vehicles. Quebecers are great at riding bikes, and they are really nice people, but they all just suck at driving. Today alone, we had more close encounters than the entire trip combined, and we weren’t even on the road for most of the day. Lucky for us, “The Route Vert” runs all the way from Montreal to Quebec City. Unluckily for us, we didn’t find it until the outskirts of Montreal, forcing us to dodge cars for about 2 hours.

Getting to ride along “The Route Vert” makes all the trouble worth the effort. We didn’t actually get to the riding part of our day until quite late due to many required pitstops, one of which was at the drugstore that did not have much in the sunscreen aisle. Applying our new sunscreen is literally like painting with acrylic white paint.

One of the more entertaining parts of a day was finding that the further east we ride, the more French the people become. We chose the adjective “entertaining” because we are now forced to butcher the French language or resort to charades.

We were getting used to paying for accommodation again after staying in Montreal and so were planning on staying in a bonified campground for the night. That is, until we found our that they charge $18! We’re sleeping on the beach.


P.S. Our memory card of only 2.5 years decided to call it quits, hence no photos.

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